
Count Me In

One-to-One Support

What is Count Me In?

Count Me In is our one-to-one service that offers individual support to people that need help with their independent living.

We support about 100 people. We take the time to match each person specially with a support worker who has the skills, interests, and personality to make for a good relationship. Most of our members are referred to us directly by care managers, who are social workers from Leeds City Council, but families and carers can refer people too, and some of our members refer themselves.

What we do

The support we offer is based on the member’s care plan that’s written and reviewed with them on a regular basis. Support can be for any number of hours and can take place in the member’s home, going to appointments, attending college or social and leisure activities. Members could also attend groups to pick up life skills such as cooking, travelling on public transport, learning to manage money or just chilling for coffee. There is no limitation to how we can support.

How we can support

We can offer help to go through the council’s application process or we can start the support if the support package is already in place. This could be a direct payment, personal budget or members could be self-funded. For more information about Leeds City Council’s funding schemes please visit their website by clicking the button below. We will help with every step of the process. We will provide a perfectly matched support worker and make sure that there is always support cover when required even when the regular support worker is away.

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