
Join us for a chat!

Now that our groups are starting to meet face-to-face again we’re not doing as many Zoom sessions.

Some of our members have told us that they’re still not comfortable coming to groups.

We have decided to run a chat session on Zoom every Wednesday at 11am, starting on 4th August 2021.

It will be a nice chance to get together and talk about whatever you want with friends.

Sherieda is still running her Sign Language course on Zoom every Friday at 11am during term time. They will start again on 10th September 2021.

You can join both session using the Zoom code 727 794 215 or by clicking on this link:


The password is the usual one, but if you have forgotten, or you are new, please call us on 0113 2443729 and we will tell you.

See you there for a chat!