
Race Equality Week

This week has been Race Equality Week – an annual event helping organisations to think about overcoming barriers to race equality in the workplace.

At People in Action we recently created an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion task group (EDI) that meets regulary to discuss these issues and to ensure we are doing everything we can at People in Action to make sure there is no racism in any parft of the organisation, and that we are challenging racism wherever we see it.

This week, on the instruction of the EDI group we sent out a survey to all our staff, asking them about their experiences of racism at People in Action (if any) and to help us to adapt People in Action’s policy and procedure around the topic.

In addition to the survey, we are encouraging staff members to include phonetic spellings of their names on their name badges and email signatures, as part of the #MyNameIs campaign from Race Equality Matters. We are also including recorded sound-bytes of correct pronunciations of names in our email signatures to help normalise this practise in a bid to eradicate mis-pronunciation. You can see an example of this below:


Bob McDougall
bob mc-DOU-gall

Listen to my name:
(Pronouns: he, him)

If you have any comments or questions about anything in this blog, please contact communication@peopleinaction.org.uk